Help / Creating your question bank

Creating your question bank

Creating a question bank involves collating your questions by category that you can use for quizzes, assessments, exams or training.

With FlexiQuiz, you can collate questions from an existing quiz or upload them using our Excel spreadsheet.

How to add questions from a quiz

  1. To start, create a quiz or edit an existing one.
  2. From the Create screen, click Add Item and choose Question from the drop-down menu. The question editor screen will appear.
  3. Add your question and answer options and highlight the correct response.
  4. Then tick the box Set categories and Categories menu will appear.
  5. quiz question editor with box to add question to category in question bank
  6. Click the Add button to show a drop-down menu of your categories.
  7. List of question categories
  8. You can add a New category or select an existing category from the drop-down menu. Once you have chosen the category, it will appear on your question editor screen.
  9. You have the option to add the question to multiple categories.
  10. Click Save to add the question to your quiz and the question bank.

When you add your questions to the bank using a quiz, the question stored on the quiz is the source entity.

If you make any changes to the source entity it impacts the question held in the bank. For example, if you edit the question or any of the formatting on the quiz it updates the question in the bank. If you delete the source entity (the question in the quiz), the system will automatically delete the question in the bank.

How to add multiple questions using our Excel spreadsheet

To use our Excel file upload option, you must first create the categories in the bank.

  1. From your main dashboard, click +Create to make a new quiz and add a name for the quiz e.g. question bank.
  2. To add new categories to your bank, click Add Item and choose Question bank from the drop-down menu.
  3. List of options to add a page and questions to a quiz
  4. A screen will appear with a list of categories linked to your account. To add a new category, click Add new category.
  5. Category names
  6. A blank line will appear on your list of categories. Add the category name in the Category column.
  7. Once you have all the categories that you need, click Close.
  8. Then, from the Create screen, click Add Item and choose Import questions from the drop-down menu.
  9. A window showing the options for downloading and uploading the FlexiQuiz Excel template will appear.
  10. Message to download template for adding multiple quiz questions
  11. Click Download template to download the Excel template.
  12. Now, fill in the relevant columns on the Excel template.
  13. In the Question Categories column, enter the name of the category that you want to add the question to. You can add the question to multiple categories and add each question to a different category.
  14. Then, return to FlexiQuiz and upload your Excel template. Please allow a few minutes for the questions to upload to your quiz and the bank.

Learn more about importing questions using our Excel template.

When you add your questions to the bank using a file upload, the question stored on the quiz is the source entity.

If you make any changes to the source entity it impacts the question held in the bank. For example, changing the source entity changes the question in the bank. If you delete the source entity, the FlexiQuiz system will automatically delete the question in the bank.

Important information about using file uploads

  • You can upload up to 1000 questions at one time using our Excel spreadsheet.
  • You cannot include picture choices or fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • You cannot upload media such as video, pictures or audio as part of the quiz questions.
  • There is a maximum of ten answer options on an MCQ.
  • You cannot upload questions for live quizzes.

How to add questions direct to the bank

Create a new quiz or edit an existing one.

  1. From the Create screen, click Add Item and choose Question bank from the drop-down menu.
  2. Your question bank will appear showing a list of categories with the number of questions in each category. Click Add new category to make a new one.
  3. Then select the Question tab. The list of all questions in your bank will appear.
  4. Click Add new question and your question editor will appear.
  5. Add your question, answer options and select the right answer.
  6. Then, tick the set categories box.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Now choose the category you want to add the question to.
  9. Click Save to add the question to your bank.

The question will appear in your question bank and not a quiz.

You can edit and manage the question from the Question tab in the question bank.

Relevant help guides

Managing question categories

How to make a quiz with questions from the bank

What is a question bank?
