Help / Upload documents

Upload documents to quizzes, assessments, and courses

The Upload documents feature allows you to share supplementary material with your students, including worksheets for your students to download, complete, and upload.

With FlexiQuiz upload documents, you can attach various files to your quizzes or courses including, PDF, PowerPoint, Excel, or Word.

Popular ways you can use the upload documents feature include:

  • Sharing additional reading material as part of a learning path.
  • Providing a template for students to complete as part of a quiz question.
  • Sharing learning information remotely.

Please note, uploading files is a paid feature.

This guide shows you how to add a file to your quiz questions or pages.

How to attach documents to your quiz for students to download

  1. Login to your FlexiQuiz account and create a quiz or course.
  2. Select a page such as welcome, text/media, question, or thank you.
  3. Go to the menu bar and press the More... button. highlighting more button
  4. Choose the paper icon. attach document to a quiz icon

    A pop-up will appear that enables you to upload a file.

    Upload file requirements:

    File types: doc .docx .pdf .ppt .xls .xlsx .csv .ods

    File size: 2G or less.

    Where possible, we also recommend that you compress your files using tools such as or

  5. Select your file and wait for it to upload onto the system. uploaded file to a quiz
  6. Once uploaded, press Save
  7. Your document is added to your chosen page or question. file embedded in quiz question
  8. You can continue to add text, videos, images, and audio.
  9. Configure, Publish and Share your quiz in the usual way.

When quiz takers view your quiz or course, they can see your file attachment on the page. Quiz takers can download and save a copy of your document.

students view of a file uploaded to a question

You can ask students to complete information on the document or worksheet and upload it onto a test using the file upload question type.

Important! The upload documents feature is not suitable in the following situations:

Relevant help guides

How to create a quiz

Features available on each FlexiQuiz plan

Quiz redirects from the results page

Quiz configuration options

Adding a welcome page to your quiz
