To publish your quiz there are 3 options:

  • Use Quiz Link: A URL is created which users can use to access your quiz
  • Send Email Invites:FlexiQuiz sends customised email invites to your respondents
  • Assign Users:Create respondent portals where users can login to access all assigned quizzes
You can select multiple publishing options both before or after opening your quiz.


Use Quiz Link

When using a link FlexiQuiz will automatically create a URL which you can send to your respondents or embed on your own website or blog. You can also customise the last part of the link by using the Customise URL button.

You can also select the Register for quiz option which will then require any visitors to enter a Firstname, Last name and optionally an email address, this can then be shown on any reporting so that you can track individuals against responses.


Send Email Invites

FlexiQuiz can automatically send email invites to your respondents. Start by entering all email addresses into Email to list, these can be separated on a new line or ; in the list.

You can also customize the subject and text of the invites in the Email subject and Email message boxes. Each invitee will receive an indivual link within the email which will allow you to track invites against responses.


Assign Users

With Assign Users you can create individual user accounts and then assign multiple quizzes to each individual user.

When a user is created they can be sent an email with individual login details which they can use to access a portal containing assigned quizzes.

