1. When all the photoelectrons emitted by cathode reach the anode such that there is no further increase in the current with further increase in anode voltage.

2. For a given photosensitive material and frequency of incident radiation, the photoelectric current is _______________ to the intensity of incident radiation.

3. For a given frequency and metal, the minimum negative potential given to anode so that photoelectric current becomes zero.

4. Charge on a photon is 

5. Energy(E) and momentum(P) of photon having frequency 'v' is given by

6. The minimum frequency of incident radiation, which is just sufficient to eject an electron with zero velocity from the surface of a metal.

7. For photoelectric emission to take place from a surface when radiations incident on it

8. Intensity in terms of photon picture of light

9. If number of photons falling per unit area per second is 'n', frequency'' and planck's constant is 'h' then formula for intensity(I) will be

10. The minimum energy required by an electron to just escape from the metal surface with zero velocity.
