1. Which of the following has the shortest wavelength

2. The value of  E:B

3. If Electric field is directed along X-axis, Magnetic field direction along Y-axis in an em wave then direction of propagation of em wave is along

4. Name the radiations which are next to Infra red radiations in electromagnetic spectrum having longer wavelength

5. Name the EM wave produced by Rapid acceleration and decelerations of electrons in aerials

6. EM wave having wavelength more than 0.1m is 

7. Name the characteristics of em waves that increases as one moves from radiowave region towards ultraviolet region.

8. If the earth did not have an atmosphere,its average surface temperature as compared to todays temperature of earth will be  

9. For reflection of em wave, momentum tranfered to the surface is 

10. Current which appears in the region in which the electric field and hence electric flux is changing with time.
