1. The work function for a metal surface is 4.14 ev. The cutoff wavelength for this is :

2. When radiation of given frequency is incident upon different metals, the maximum kinetic
energy of electrons emitted –

3. The slope of frequency of incident ray and stopping potential for a given surface will be

4. The threshold wavelength for a metal having work function ϕ0 is λ0 , what is the threshold
wavelength for a metal whose work function is ϕ0 /2 .

5. Which of the following has maximum stopping potential when metal is illuminated by
visible light?

6. The monochromatic beams A and B of equal intensities I, hit a screen. The number of
photons hitting the screen by beam A is twice that by beam B. The ratio of their frequencies
will be –

7. A proton, a neutron, an electron and alpha particle have same kinetic energy, then their De-
Broglie wavelengths compare as

8. The theory, on the basis of Photoelectric effect can be explained:

9. The slope of stopping potential and frequency of incident ray for a given surface will be

10. If E1 ,E2 , E3 , E4 are the respective kinetic energies of electron, deuteron, proton and neutron
having same De- Broglie wavelength. Select the correct order in which those values would
increase :
