For most intubated patients with ARDS, we should initially choose a tidal volume of...

Your patient with ARDS is on a ventilator on volume control with tidal volumes of 420 cc and PEEP 12. The peak airway pressures are 35 and the plateau pressures are 32. What is the driving pressure?

A patient who meets all clinical criteria for ARDS is on a ventilator with FiO2 90%, PEEP 12. They are satting 92% and on the last ABG their PO2 is 60. This patient has

A patient with an obese, short neck underwent an open tracheostomy in the OR today. The surgical team reported that inserting the trach was challenging because of the thick neck tissue. All of a sudden, the tracheostomy is accidentally dislodged and falls onto the floor. For the moment the patient is maintaining their oxygen saturation. In addition to calling for help, the next best action is:

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