1. A boy throws a ball vertically upward  with a speed of 40 m/s and it reaches the maximum height H , If he throws the same ball vertically downward from a height of H with initial speed of 40m/s , The ball will reach ground with speed nearly:

2. A body dropped from a height ‘h’ with an initial speed zero reaches the ground with a velocity of 3Km/hr , Another body was dropped from the same height  h with an initial speed 4 km/hr , At what velocity will the body reach when it reaches the ground?

3. Two bodies situated at different height from ground starting falling freely under gravity. The times of the fall of the two bodies are 1 s and 2 s respectively , If g=9.8 m/s2 , The the initial vertical separation between the two bodies is:

4. A man in a balloon rising vertically with an acceleration of 4.9 m s-2 releases a ball 2 seconds after the balloon left ground , The maximum height above the ground reached by the ball is:

5. A stone is thrown upward from the top of a tower with some initial speed and it reaches the ground in t1seconds , Now it is allowed to fall with the same initial speed downward and it reaches ground in t2 seconds , In how much time will it reach the ground if the stone is just released with 0 initial speed and allowed to fall freely under gravity from the same place?

6. A balloon is ascending at the rate of 9m/s at a height of 80 m above ground Now a packet is dropped from the balloon , It will reach ground in: (assume g= 10 m/s2)

7. A parachutist after bailing out falls 50 m without friction. When parachute opens, it decelerates at 2 m /s2. He reaches the ground at the rate of 3 m /s. At what height, did he bail out ?

8. A juggler is throwing the ball vertically upward at intervals of 2 seconds. He throws one when the previous one is a the highest point , Then the maximum height to which each ball rises is:( assume g= 10m/s2)

9. A body is thrown upward and after some time the body reaches its maximum height, At maximum height:

10. A ball is released from the top of a tower of 8 h metres. It takes T seconds to reach the ground. What is the position of the ball in T / 3 seconds ?
