Understanding Diagrams
FOCUS ON INFORMATION: Often answers are confused by not understanding the information from the image clearly. 
For each sentence; choose the answer that has the correct information as the diagram above.  

1. Which data plan doesn't have Unlimited Nation wide services?

2. Which plan is $60 per month?

3. Smartphone is available on which plan?

4. Bring your own phone is how much for two months?

5. Which plan has unlimited nights and weekends?

FOCUS ON SIMILARITY: Often answers are confused by providing similar meanings, but not exact information from the diagram.  
For each sentence, choose the answer with same meaning to information from the diagram. 

7. Bring your own device has how many plus features?

8. If you wanted the best phone for social media which would you choose?

9. Which two phone services have access to shared data?

10. Which service(s) is/are missing with two phone plans? 

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