1. Cole
2. Cole’s grandma
3. In the future, Cole
4. Charlie
5. According to Cole,
6. Rachel
Dear Coley,
Well of course I didn’t have to [7], but how could I resist? I know you are going through your fair share of [8] with the move and all. Coming all the way to the other end of the country is hard enough; I didn’t want you to have to deal with that on top of everything else.
Sorry about the [9] trip, but that was the best price and figured you could get some sleep on the flight. I’m sure Charlie will be impressed because I have something special planned for his birthday, so he will have no reason to act [10] again.
Well, I look forward to you staying until you [11], and don’t worry you could never overstay your welcome. Take care for now and I’ll talk to you over the weekend.
Lots of love,