Study the following grammar explanation

Focus on Modal use: Modals are used to express advice, necessity, possibility, and suggestion. 
For each question below, fill in the blank with the correct grammar form using modals.

1. Perhaps I _____ go to Hawaii on our vacation.

2. They _____ have to wait for the only bus coming later.

3. You __________ see the doctor if you don't get well.

4. For sure, she ______ come to the graduation ceremony.

5. We might ____  losing our jobs next week.

6. I think perhaps you _____ be _______ a baby girl soon.

7. I like making people laugh so I _______ ____ a clown sometime.

8. She_____  ____  going ahead with _______ in the race on Tuesday.

9. I _______ and I ______ ____  decide to run for office.

10. He _____ take a day off from work to ___  fishing, but I doubt it.
