1. Most of the alpha - particles pass straight through the Gold foil.This indicates

2. Alpha particle scattering experiment gives the 

3. How will the distance of closest approach be affected when the kinetic energy of the alpha-particle is doubled?

4. Drawbacks of Rutherford model are :

5. The perpendicular distance of the initial velocity vector  of the alpha - particle from the central line of the nucleus when the alpha - particle is far away from the nucleus is called ___________

6. Following points are proposed by Rutherford on the basis of alpha scattering experiment.

7. Only few alpha - particles were scattered by 900 or more.This indicates

8. Famous alpha particle scattering experiment by gold foil is performed by

9. In the alpha scattering experiment the distance of closest approach for an α -particle is d0 . If α -particle is replaced by a proton, how much kinetic energy in comparison to α –particle will it require to have the same distance of closest approach d0 ?(charge of α –particle is twice of charge on proton)

Angle of scattering is ________________ to the impact parameter.
