Study the following words.

Choose one word from the table above to complete the sentence. 
You may have to change the ending of the word according to its use. 
Write the FULL sentence and spell correctly.

1. Do you usually get a Christmas _______ every year?

2. I enjoy taking a __________ bath before going to bed.

3. Sometimes, I think the government has too much ______ in our lives.

4. He hopes his _______ increases after one year of working.

5. My job can be too ________, so I like to go to the gym after work.

6. I like to research about what the _______ experts report.

7. How are you doing with ________ a large family?

8. They just keep getting ______ and wealthier with the company growth.

9. Which is a more _______ accommodation, the lake or the beach?
