Study the following words.

Choose one word from the table above to complete the sentence. 
You may have to change the ending of the word according to its use. 
Use lower case letters and spell correctly!

1. There's a traffic lineup what's _______ our progress on the road?

2. There's a collision so _________ we will all be late today.

3. I know that there's a lot of ________ in people who don't act like it.

4. How much _________ about Canada do I need to pass the citizenship test?

5. Today our teacher gave us a research _________ to finish up.

6. Please be _______ about the details of your accident.

7. He was the ______ passenger in the back seat of my car.

8. I would like to keep information ________ to the facts.

9. I like it when you are __________ how to do the tasks

10. Please ________ which course you want to take next.


