Practice Exam Price: $18.99 $16.99
It is recommended that candidates sitting for the Certificate in ESG Investing dedicate at minimum 100 or more hours of study time to prepare for the exam. On average, candidates should attempt at least 4 practice mock exams with a passing grade of >70% in order to stand a good chance of passing.
Please refer to more details on the 2024 Certificate in ESG Investing curriculum directly on the CFA Institute website:
About the CFA ESG mock exams:
- Prepared by actual CFA Charterholders who have also been awarded the Certificate in ESG Investing
- Comes with complete answers and full explanations by category as per the CFA curriculum (below)
- Practice mock exams are aligned to the latest 2024 Certificate in ESG Investing curriculum (4th edition) issued by the CFA Institute
- Comprises of 100 multiple choice questions
- Each question will have 3 options to select from (i.e. A, B or C)
- You have access to the exams for up to 30 days from the date of purchase, and you may retake the practice exams for up to 5 times
- The exam breakdown follows the same CFA Certificate in ESG Investing curriculum:
Free trial CFA ESG practice exam format:
Practice makes perfect.
For any question, please contact us via our Facebook Page:
(Disclaimer: The CFA Certificate in ESG Investing mock practice exams are provided to you by Furwy Pte. Limited ("Furwy"). While the mock practice exams have been developed by actual CFA Charterholders who have also been awarded the Certificate in ESG Investing by the CFA Institute, neither Furwy nor the CFA Charterholders who developed the mock exams are affiliated in any other way to the CFA Institute's Certificate in ESG Investing programme, nor has the CFA Institute endorsed such mock practice exams in any way or form)