1. Most university students ______ on campus in their first year.

2. From this graph we can see that the economy _____ at the moment.

3. They_____personal computers when my father was a student.

4. I _____want to be a practicing doctor, but now I'm more interested in research.

5. The teacher _______ us how to do the experiment when the fire bell rang.

6. I finished my essay yesterday but _____ it in to the tutor yet.

7. ______ the experiment three times now with different results each time!

8. When I arrived the lecture ______ so I didn't find it easy to follow.

9. She _____ well at school but that changed when she became friends with a different group of girls.

10. _____ the doctor at 2:00 this afternoon so I can't go to the lecture.

11. My sister _____ economics and politics when she goes to university. 

12. While we're working on the project our boss ____ on a beach in Greece!

13. If the trend continues, the average income_____ by 107% by 2022.

14. You can base your geography assignment on ______ country - it doesn't matter which.

15. There aren't _____ places left on the course, so you'd better apply soon.

16. I don't know whether to accept the job offer. It's ______.

17. For those of you new to the company this leaflet is full of_______.

18. The manager interviewed ______ candidates in turn.

19. I know it's not much of a present but I made it ______.

20. You should visit Bath. It's ______ city.

21. The government has released some _____ data showing how schools are not providing an adequate education to our children.

22. You really should do to Namibia. The scenery is ______ stunning and the people are very friendly.

23. This factory produces some of ______ cameras in the world.

24. _____ people live in the countryside than 100 years ago.

25. The bookshop_____the end of the road is excellent.

26. There were millions of people around the world ____ the football match live on television.

27. Scientists finally _____ find a cure for the disease after years of research.

28. She got a terrible mark in the exam so she ______ very hard at all.

29. What ______ in order to get a permit to work in your country?

30. When you write your essays you _____ copy ideas from books without referencing them properly.

31. Doctors have ______ us to cut down on salt in our diets if we want to reduce the risk of getting heart disease.

32. ______this newspaper report, more women smoke than men nowadays.

33. My parents encouraged _____ this course.

34. What will you do if________.

35. A recent government report has warned that _______ we act immediately to reduce pollution, there will be serious consequences for the planet.

36. If I didn't have to work tonight, _______.

37. I wish that man ______ tapping his fingers on the table. It's really annoying me.

38. I'm aiming ______ a band 7 in IELTS.

39. Do you have any knowledge______how our education system works?

40. The minister ______ is responsible for education has just resigned.

41. The University of St Andrews______ is the oldest university in Scotland.

42. Many children these days do not have a healthy diet. _______ is possible that this is because less healthy foods are cheaper than healthy ones.

43. The charity is trying to find ways to save and ______ the world's endangered animal species.

44. In the past we threw a lot of our kitchen waste away, but today many items such as plastic bottles and newspapers ______.

45. I can't pick you up from the station on Wednesday because _____ on the day.

46. These drugs are the best medicine available as a treatment at the moment, _____ they are expensive, unfortunately.

47. Learning a foreign language is important because it helps you to understand other cultures better. _____ it can be a useful skill in many areas of work.

48. ______ I can't go to the conference as I've got to go to Sydney on business.

49. ______ I think it's useful to write an outline of your essay before you start to write the first draft.

50. The _____ of dark red spots is one of the first signs of the disease.
