1. Live Virtual Instructor-led training provided an effective learning environment

2. You will be able to use the information presented in this program for your job.

3. The classroom environment was favorable to learning.

4. This educational experience will help me do my job better. 

5. I would recommend this course to others in my field. 

6. The Instructor demonstrated thorough knowledge of the subject.

7. The instructor provided useful, real world examples.

8. The instructor presented information in a clear, understandable manner. 

9. I would take another course with this instructor.

10. The instructor was able to incorporate interactive activities effectively. 

11. The instructor was able to use group discussions/activities effectively. 

12. Additional Comments: Include what was most valuable about the class; did time allotted meet course objectives; suggestions for improvement. etc.

13. How did you find out about this course? 
