1. When you need supplies,..........a request with the office manager.

2. The bell captain suggested that more porters..........hired.

3. The last train to Hamburg..........at 10:30.

4. The vice-president will be seated .......... the chairman at the banquet.

5. The manager got his staff .......... last weekend.

6. The newspaper expects circulation .......... next year.

7. The head of operations .......... to the management convention.

8. Reductions in the budget require us .......... our costs for international travel.

9. The ticketholders may be .......... about the change in date.

10. Ms. Mosley is .......... member of our advertising team.

11. At midnight, the second shift of security guards .......... . on duty.

12. Ms. Najar wants to .......... the costs by tonight.

13. Ms. Yu has suggested ..........more reservation clerks.

14. A customer service representative .......... at our catalogue number.

15. Can you meet with us .......... 11:00?

16. The manager suggested .......... a research team.

17. The receptionist .......... a message if you do not answer your phone.

18. A list of compatible software .......... with your new computer.

19. The price of all cruises.......... airfare and all transfers.

20. .......... we were late, we could not enter the conference hall.
