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Trainer accounts make team collaboration easier.  Accounts can be assigned to colleagues with permissions set for them to access relevant real time data. 


Premium plan members can add 1 trainer account (or admin account) and Enterprise members can create up to 25 Trainer accounts. 



Benefits of a Trainer account

 Access can be fully customized so that trainers can view and edit relevant information only such as respondents or quizzes

 Let's you share access to the FlexiQuiz Premium features so that colleagues can also make quizzes, while ensuring your data remains private

  No need to manually share information

This guide provides the latest information on Trainer accounts.


How to set up a Trainer Account

Trainer accounts need to be set up by Account Administrators.  There is a choice of 2 ways to create accounts:

  1. Complete the online form - recommended if setting up a small number of accounts
  2. Import users by completing and uploading a templated spreadsheet - recommended if setting up a large number of accounts


Using the online form:

  • Log into your FlexiQuiz account, using your admin username and password
  • From your dashboard, select the Users tab
  • Press the Create User button to open the new user registration page

    User dashboard:



    New user registration page:



      From the new user registration page:

  • Enter the trainer's username - can be a name or email address.  If the Username is already being used this will be highlighted and you will need to select an alternative
  • Accept the password randomly generated or delete and add your own (the trainer can change the password when they log into their account for the first time)
  • Enter the trainers email address - optional
  • Enter the trainers first name - optional
  • Enter the trainers last name - optional
  • Select Trainer from the drop-down menu
  • Select user permissions:
    • Manage users - ability for the trainer to view and amend users (respondent accounts) that have been assigned to trainers account
    • Manage groups - ability to create and edit groups from assigned users
    • Edit quizzes - ability to edit quizzes that have been assigned to the trainers account
  • Assign quizzes to be completed by the trainer as a quiz taker/ respondent
    • Press the green Assign Quizzes button
    • The Available box highlights all of your quizzes.  Highlight quizzes that you would like to share
    • Press >>
    • Selected quizzes will move from Available to Assigned
    • Press OK
  • Assign respondent groups for the trainer to view and manage
    • Press the green Assign Groups button
    • The Available box shows all of the groups you've created.  Highlight relevant groups
    • Press >>
    • Groups will be moved from Available to Assigned
    • Press OK
  • Assign quizzes that the trainer can view and edit as a quiz maker
    • Press the green Assign Quizzes button
    • Highlight relevant quizzes
    • Press >>
    • Quizzes will be moved from Available to Assigned
    • Press OK

Once all updates have been made press save.  The account is instantly set up based on your inputted data requirements.

You will be shown the following confirmation pop up:

      new user message

Importing users:

If you're creating a large number of Respondent, Trainer and/ or Admin accounts it can be easier input data to a spreadsheet template and upload to FlexiQuiz.com.  To do that, follow these simple steps:

  • Log into your account Admin account with FlexiQuiz
  • From your dashboard, select Users from the menu at the top
  • Select import users
  • Press download template
  • This is an example of the template to be completed with instructions
  • Complete the spreadsheet
  • Return to the user screen, import users and press Select File
  • Upload the relevant spreadsheet from your database
  • Note - it may take a few minutes for the data to upload
  • Once the accounts are set up in FlexiQuiz they will show on your User screen



What is the difference between a trainer and an administrator account?

The Account Admin has control of all areas of the FlexiQuiz account including creating, editing and analyzing all tests and quizzes.  Plus, they control who in the organisation has the relevant account permissions.  They are responsible for modifying and deleting people when required to ensure data security.  

A trainer will have permissions to access parts of the FlexiQuiz account as set up by the Account Admin.  Trainers can create Respondent accounts but don't have any access to set up or modify other trainer or admin accounts.


Can I still assign a quiz, test or assessment to a trainer? (for trainers to complete as a quiz taker)

Yes, you can assign a test in the same way as you do with respondent accounts.  You have 2 options:

a. Go to the users screen and select a user and press edit.  This opens up the trainers account.  Select the green Assign Quizzes button.  Click on the quizzes that you would like to assign and press >>

Quizzes move from the Available box to the Assigned box.  Once complete press OK.

Selected tests or quizzes will instantly be available on the trainers account.

b. Create a quiz.  Go to the Publish screen and tick the box for Assign Users/ Groups.  Press the green Assign Users button.  Highlight the users that you would like to assign a quiz to and press >>.  Assigned users will move from Available to Assigned.  Press Save.

Quizzes will be automatically available for selected users to complete. 


Can Trainers add new Trainers or Administrator accounts?

No, if the trainer has been given permission to edit users, they can create Respondent accounts only


The Trainer has forgot their password.  What should they do?

If the username for the trainer is an email address, they can go to the log in screen and select forgot password.  FlexiQuiz will automatically send a link to reset the password.

If the username is not an email address, trainers will need to contact you.

You need to go to your User screen, select edit and then password reset.  You will then need to share the new password with the Trainer.


A Trainer has now left the organisation.  How can we stop them accessing the trainer account?

It is the account administrator's responsibility to keep the access permissions updated.

An account can be deleted at any time. 

  • Go to the Users screen
  • Select the relevant user
  • Press Select action
  • Press delete
  • You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the account.  Once you press yes, the account will be deleted and you cannot restore the data

Or, you can suspend an account

  • Go to the User screen
  • Select the relevant user and press edit
  • Tick the suspend box
  • The user will not be able to access their account until you (or another admin) untick the box


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