Q1.    Do you have ..... sister?

Q2.    We're going to buy ..... new car next week.

Q3.    I don't like ..... dogs!  

Q4.    Have you ever ridden ..... camel?  

Q5.    Please close ..... window. It's cold in here.

Q6.    Wait for me by ..... school gate at 4 o'clock.

Q7.    Where are ..... scissors? - Sorry, I haven't seen them.

Q8.    Would you like ..... apple? - No, thanks. I'm not hungry.

Q9.    Don't forget to buy..... flowers on the way home.

Q10.    It was a beautiful day. There wasn't ..... cloud in the sky.

Q11.    Look out! There's ..... spider on your back.

Q12.    Can you tell me how to get to ..... library?

Q13.    May I borrow ..... pencil? - Yes, have this one.

Q14.    I eat ..... egg for breakfast every day.

Q15.    Can you please return ..... pencil I gave you yesterday.

Q16.    A very good way to improve your English is to read ..... books.

Q17.    Are spiders ..... insects? - No, they're not.

Q18.    Look! There's ..... cat on the roof.

Q19.    What time is it? - Sorry, I don't have ..... watch..

Q20.    I need to go to the library to return ..... books I borrowed.

Q21.    We went to ..... airport this morning to pick up my grandmother.

Q22.    There were no more chairs so we had to sit on ..... floor.

Q23.    I live in ..... old house near the centre of town. (There are many old houses.)

Q24.    Have you ever seen ..... ghost?

Q25.    Don't eat in the classroom. Go to ..... cafeteria.

Q26.    We heard strange noises in the night so we called ..... police.

Q27.    Did you find ..... pen you were looking for?

Q28.    There was ..... strange man in the library at lunch today.

Q29.    They have forecast a lot of rain for the next few weeks. I need to buy ..... umbrella.

Q30.    There are a lot of deer in ..... forest behind the school.

Q31.    In some things ..... girls are better than boys.

Q32.    In other things ..... boys are better than girls.

Q33.    I hate ..... dogs that live in the next house. They bark all night

Q.34     Don't play in my classroom. Go to ..... sports hall.

Q35.    Someone's knocking on ..... door. Can you hear them?

Q36.    I'd like ..... MP3 player for my birthday.

Q37.    To build a doll's house you will need nails, wood and ..... hammer.

Q38.    I have ..... problem. Can you help me?

Q39.    I need ..... new calculator. This one is broken.

Q40.    Waiter! There's a fly in ..... soup.

Q41.    Do you believe in ..... ghosts?

Q42.    Take your feet off ..... table, please!

Q43.    I know ..... girl who won the snowboarding competition. She's in my grade 9 math class.

Q44.    My father had ..... accident on the way to work.

Q45.    At our school there are ..... students from more than 50 countries.

Q46.    He's always by himself. Does he have ..... friends?

Q47.    If you do that again, I'll send you to ..... principal.

Q48.    Do you like ..... new science teacher? - Yeah, she's cool!

Q49.    It was a beautiful day. There wasn't a cloud in ..... sky.

Q50.    You have now reached ..... last question in this quiz.
