1. If maximum kinetic energy of the ejected electron in a photoelectric experiment is 4eV then stopping potential wil be

2. Maximum kinetic energy of emitted electron depends on the frequency of incident photon
when frequency of incident photons is

3. If Work function of a metal surface is 3.5eV and maximum kinetic energy of ejected electron is 1.6 eV. Then energy of incident photon will be

4. The work function of a certain metal is 4.2 eV. Will this metal give photoelectric emission for incident
radiation of wavelength 330 nm?

5. If stopping potential is 2V for a photoelectric experiment, them maximum kinetic energy of the ejected electron wil be

6. Two particles have equal momentum. What is the ratio of their de-Broglie wavelength?

7. The maximum kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons depends on the -------- of incident
radiation and the nature of material.

8. The slope of kinetic energy and frequency of the incident raidation graph is

9. The maximum kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons is independent of --------- of incident

10. If energy of incident photon is 5.7eV and work function for the metal surface is 3.5eV then kinetic energy of the ejected electron will be
