Study the following words.

Choose one word from the table above to complete the sentence. 
You may have to change the ending of the word according to its use. 
Use lower case letters and spell correctly!

1. There was much after the thunderstorm. 

2. Our river has been by lots of garbage. 

3. We should carry electric supplies in our car to be safe. 

4. Fortunately, The people in the accident diodn't suffer many

5. The tevision station should more important news than other shows.  

6. There was a in my neighbourhood because of the storm. 

7. There was an declared because of the dangerous volcanoe. 

8. People should prepare now a dangerous situation. 

9. The of this summer being very hot is high because of global warming 

10. Sometimes can report postive news, but other times it can be negative. 

11. We should keep in our basement to prepare for dangerous situations. 

12. The best to my house is through the outskirts of the city. 

13. The storm is , so we need to be prepared. 

14. The doctor said to drink enough fluids of feeling dehydration. 

15.  We need to nature to improve our environment. 
