Study the grammatical explantions below

Focus on Modal use: Modals are used to express advice, necessity, possibility, and suggestion. 
For each question below, fill in the blank with the correct grammar form using modals.

Example: I  _______ ______  you didn't study. 

 I  _____ _______ you didn't study.  

1. You _____ the laundry everyday, water is expensive.

2.  He isn't himself lately, he ________ upset.

3. Her phone keeps going to voicemail so she ________.

4.  She slept in so she ________.

5. You _________ your car soon, it isn't safe to drive.

6. We _______ that type of behavior at school.

7. It's getting late so I _______ now.

8. You ________ your children in public at all times.

9. You _______ that your car is unfixable.

10. That's impossible, you ______!
