1.  H-alpha series is obtained in line spectrum of hydrogen atom

2. Formula to calculate wavelength of emitted radiation when electron jump from higher level (ni) to lower energy level (nf)

3. The longest wavelength of balmer series is 

4. Name the spectral series in hydrogen spectrum which gives ultra violet radiations

5. Formula to calculate the frequency of emitted photon during transition from higher energy level (ni) to lower energy level (nf)

6. Approximate value of reciprocal of Rydberg constant (1/R) is 

7. If an electron is in 4th energy level then calculate the maximum number of probable spectral lines can be emitted by the atom.

8. Value of Rydberg constant (R) is 

9. The shortest wavelength of Balmer series will be

10. Limitations of Bohr's model are
