Study the following words.

Choose one word from the table above to complete the sentence. 
You may have to change the ending of the word according to its use. 
Use lower case letters and spell correctly!

1. What's your favorite ________ place to eat?

2. How can you ______ on studying with this noise?

3.  There's a lot of _______ with earning a good living?

4. There are many _______ to be met with getting your PR done.

5. People become ________  from eating the wrong kind of foods.

6. There's a ______ taste when we have garlic in our diets.

7. They want to maintain their ______ by joining the gym.

8. If you work out you'll build great ________ with weight training.

9.  He wants to _______ his stamina by running a kilometer every day.

10. In the _______ situation there's so many changes.
