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WOMAN: If you’re not feeling as happy as you’d like maybe you should consider moving to another country. Like , for example. According to social Psychologist Adrian White, Denmark is the happiest nation in the world closely followed by its Northern neighbours, Finland, Norway and the Netherlands. Not surprisingly perhaps, the happiest countries are also the  and wealthiest, and those that provide their citizens with a good level of . People may pay high taxes in these countries, but they are rewarded with other benefits, such as shorter work weeks as well as more vacation time. All of these to a general sense of well being.

Size also matters, smaller countries which have a strong sense of National identity and social , rate better in terms of happiness than countries with larger populations. While the governments of many countries seek to increase wealth and for their citizens, at least one government has made its citizens' happiness a priority. In , a tiny country between China and India, happiness is part of government policy. Instead of measuring GNP, gross national product, Bhutan measures GNH, gross national happiness. Their is that by putting a high value on health, education and general well being, citizens’ lives will be improved in ways that their nation's environment and culture. The program seems to be working. 19% of Bhutan’s live below the poverty level, yet only 4% claim to be unhappy.

There could be lessons here for other hoping to improve both the GNP and GNH, happier people tend to be more productive leading to greater economic wealth, they are often healthier, resulting in lower spending on healthcare. Ideas for producing happier citizens might include reducing unemployment, a major cause of , improving parenting skills to create happier families, and finding ways to unhappiness kindness towards others, which is known to make both the givers and receivers happier. In Japan, for example, Community credit programs, couples who live too far from their aging parents to adopt an elderly person locally to care for, By doing this they can earn credits that their own parents can use to buy similar care in their own neighborhoods.

Governments such programs might well see both the happiness and wealth of their nations improve. Of course neither to a new country nor waiting for new government policies may be the best way to your future happiness. Fortunately, however researchers are coming to the conclusion that the main for a happy life is love, and that’s something that no government can help you with.

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