1. It was ___ music I have ever heard.

2. It’s ___ powder I have ever used.

3. John is ___ of all to act.

4. He is ___ strong ___ his brother.

5. English grammar is ___ than the Russian one.

6. I have ___ time than he does.

7. This girl is ___ intelligent than the rest of the class.

8. Two heads are ___ than one.

9. Alice came late, Philip came later, and Tony ___.

10. Mark Twain, one of ___ and ___ American writers, lived in a small town in his childhood.

11. A: Why didn’t you discuss this question yesterday?
    B: It was ___ important than the others.

12. Your English is much ___ now. You’ve made___ mistakes this time.

13. The Thames is ___ river in Great Britain.

14. Do you have ___ or ___ rain this autumn than the last one.

15. Please, tell me something ___ than this old joke.

16. This question is ___ than the first one, let’s discuss it tomorrow.

17. Do you have ___ or ___ sunny days this summer?

18. We have ___ money than they have.

19. A: Please, give me this bouquet of flowers. I think it is___ than the rest ones.
      B:  But it’s ___ .
      A: Never mind. I’ll buy it.

20. Of the four girls Marcia is ___ .
