1. I also need a box just as (large / larger) as this one to put my books in.

2. The dress in the other shop costs the same (expensive / price) as this, but it is (much / less) attractive than this one.

3. He speaks English a lot (well/ better) than you do, but he is much (worse / badly) at grammar.

4. I don't usually smoke as (many / much) cigarettes as I am smoking these days.

5. He came rather  (lately / later) than he had promised us.

6. I don't think driving a car is (as / such) (dangerous / dangerously) (as / than) riding a motorcycle.

7. We could have spent a (much / more) (well / better) holiday (that / than) we actually did.

8. Their summer house is twice (so / as) (far / farther) from the sea (than / as) ours.

9. He used to go to the theater very (more often / often), but now he has very (little / less) time to spare.

10. I'm not feeling too (better / well). I think I'll go and lie down for a (few / little) hours.
