Study the grammar explanation below

Focus on Adjectives use: Adjectives are words used before nouns or after continuous verbs such as am, is, are, was, were which describe or compare people, places or things.   
For each question below, fill in the blank with the correct grammar form using adjectives.

Example:  The  lady _______ sings love ballads.

The lady horribly sings love ballads.

1. My feet are much _______ yours.

2. Today went _________ yesterday.

3. The brown cat is ________ the white cat.

4. My boss will call me later with _______ directions.

5. The kids were _______ a mouse when they snuck out.

6. If we drive any ________, we'll run out of fuel.

7. Jim thinks he did _______  ______ than the class.

8. The exam was ________ Jim was expecting.

9. Tonight's supper will be ________ what we ate earlier.

10. Red Deer is _______ _______ Calgary to Edmonton.

Example:  The  lady _______ sings love ballads.

The lady horribly sings love ballads.
