1. A body starts from rest , What is the ratio the distance traveled by the body during 4′th and 3′rd seconds?

2. A car accelerates from the rest at constant rate for the first 10 s and covers a distance x.  It covers y distance in the next 10 s at the same acceleration. Which of the following is true

3. A particle starts from the rest & moving with constant acceleration covers a distance x1 in the 3rd second x2 in the 5th second. The ratio x1/x2 =

4. An object starts from rest and accelerates uniformly down an incline , If the object reaches ground in 5 seconds with a speed of 40 m/s , It’s average speed is

5. The distance traveled by a body travelling from rest in first , second and third second are in the ratio of:

6. A body moves with constant acceleration. Its velocity increased from 6m/s to 16m/s in 2 seconds, The distance moved by the body in those 2 seconds is:

7. A tiger chases a dear 30 meter ahead  of it and gains 3 m in 5 s after the chase started after 10 s what will be the distance between them?

8. A car starts from rest and moves with constant acceleration . The ratio of the distance covered in the nth second to that in n seconds is :

9. The initial velocity of a particle moving along a straight line is 10 m/s and its retardation is 2 ms-2. the distance moved by the particle in the fifth second of its motion is :

10.  The acceleration of a particle starting from rest varies with time according to the relation a=bt+c , Then the velocity of the particle after time t must be:
