1. Ideal junction diode acts as a closed switch when forward biased and open switch when reverse biased.

2. Due to forward biasing of a diode

3. The processes involved in the formation of p-n juction

4. If frequency of applied a.c. is 50 Hz, then output frequency of (i) half wave rectifier (ii) Full wave rectifier is 

5. The device which is used to convert a.c into d.c

6. When a forward bias is applied to a p-n junction, it

7. characteristic property that makes the junction diode suitable for rectification

8. The potential difference developed across the junction due to diffusion of majority charge carriers and opposes the further movement of majority charge carriers.

9. The resistance of p-n junction is _________________ when reverse biased.

10. What happens to the width of depletion layer of a p-n junction (i)on increasing the doping and (ii) on decreasing the doping in a diode
