1. A nucleus with mass number A = 240 and BE/A = 7.6 MeV breaks into two fragments each of A = 120 with BE/A = 8.5 MeV. Calculate the released energy.

2. A heavy nucleus X of mass number 240 and binding energy per nucleon 7.6 MeV is split into two fragments Y and Z of mass numbers 110 and 130. The binding energy of nucleons in Y and Z is 8.5 MeV per nucleon. Calculate the energy Q released per fission in MeV.


3. Nuclear fission take place in 

4. Nuclear force is ________________ for the distances larger than 0.8 fm and _______________ if the distance is less than 0.8 fm  between the nucleons.

5. Nuclear fusion take place in 

6. Consistency of B,E/Nucleon in the middle of the curve indicates which two properties of the nuclear force.

7. If Mp is the mass of a proton,Mn is the mass of neutron and M is the actual mass of a nuclerus, then for a nucleus ZXA , formula to calculate mass defect is 

8. Energy equivalent of 1u in MeV/c2

9. Properties of nuclear forces:

10. Which one has the higherst Binding Energy /Nucleon
