1. Attraction is based on similarities. We are attracted most to people who have a similar energy to our own. 

2. Spiritual reality is experienced by seeing the relationships between physical things.

3. All relationships involve some kind of exchange of energy.

4. Match the following.

Maintains equilibrium between people
Attracts people and draws them together
Separates people, pushing them apart

5. Match the following types of love to their definition.

Loving others as myself, relationship love
Love as desire; self-love
Selfless, unconditional love

6. Which of the following ideas are associated with the judgment-level mindset?

7. Which of the following are involved in justice-level relationships?

8. Which of the following are characteristics of agape love?

9. Match the following relationships with the level of love on which they operate.

Abuser and enabler
Giver and receiver
Equal partners

10. Teamwork requires people to adopt roles and follow rules. 

11. If you want the rights or privileges associated with a particular relationship role, you need to claim the responsibilities associated with it.

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