1. She had strong ________ about many things.
1. It's been _________ since we started recycling our trash.
2. It's hard to keep in touch without _______________ use.
3. This book _______ me about how life should be.
2. We each had a ___________ for dessert.
4. There are a number of socialmedia _______ to follow.
3. How can we __________ our children to keep up their grades?
4. The ___________ was a fancy design and could be easily seen.
5. The cake was _______ made of chocolate and flour.
5. I think that when you ___________ it's a sign of weakness.
6. We had a _______ birthday party with over one hundred there.
7. Empowering newcomers is an _____________ theme in our programs.
7. The shape and ______ of the sculpture was magnificent.
8. The lady was _________ in the crowd because she had a MAGA hat.
8. Unfortunately, we can never trust the ________ reporting.
9. A ______ shows us the shining light of Christ in us.
9. It's hard to gain ______ to speak with political leaders.
10. Our maple leaf _________ us that Canada is true, strong and free.
10. I wish the ___________ communities would pitch in too.
6. If all of __________ would practise sharing their resources it would be great.