S + will + V1

1. Miss Brown  a new list tonight. (make)
2. We  a policeman which road to take. (ask)
3. My wife on you tomorrow. (call)
4. I  my lunch at twelve o'clock. (have)
5. He  here on Wednesday. (be)
6. He  at two o'clock tomorrow. (come)
7. The new park  a very great area. (cover)
8. We  the answer tomorrow. (know)
9. I hope we  him tonight. (not/ meet)
10. When the thermometer is below zero water . (not/ freeze)
11. She  her ticket the day after tomorrow. (not / buy)
12. We  for a long walk soon. (not / go)
13. A lift  us to the top floor of the hotel. (take)
14. I am afraid it  quite impossible. (be)
15. You  a three months' holiday this year. (have)
