1. Arsenal wouldn’t have lost the match if the goalkeeper ____________ better. 

2. If Ron were older, he ______________ Hermione.

3. If the manager is in the shop, he ______________ your questions. 

4. We will go swimming tomorrow if it ______________. 

5. If I ___________ this car, I wouldn’t even get $1,000 for it.

6. The students _____________ their exams if they had studied harder.

7. If his mother ______________ to send the letter, the headmaster would have received it in time. 

8. If the computer breaks down, I ____________ what to do.

9. It ____________ a great help if you had your things ready to go. 

10. If I _____________ my house in Bangkok, I would buy a new one somewhere else. 

11. If you ___________ harder, the boss might have been pleased with you.

12. If the weather were nicer, I _________ to live here. 
