1. We will go out with our friends as soon as we____________ (finish) this.

2. By the time we get there, the film ____________ (begin).

3. Look at those clouds. It _______________ (rain).

4. I ___________ (meet) her this evening for sure.

5. Don’t call at 6.00. I __________ (do) my homework then.

6. Perhaps I ________ (see) you tomorrow.

7. A:  I forgot the car keys.

    B:  Don’t worry, I ________ (get) them for you.

8. What time _______ the next bus ______ (arrive)?

9. He __________ (spend) all his money by the end of the week.

10. I ___________ (pay) all my debts in a week’s time.

11. Stop that, or I ________ (tell) your mom.

12. Sara __________ (learn) Spanish at the university next year.

13. This time next week he _________ (camp) in the mountains.

14. Have you heard? Lisa ___________(buy) a new sports car.

15. Where __________ you ___________ (work) in ten years’ time?

16. I ________ (help) you move if I get here on time.

17. Stay in your seat until the bell ___________ (ring).

18. A: __________ you ______________ (use) your car at the weekend?

     B: I guess I will.

19. A:  _______ you ____________________ (watch) the action movie?

     B:  Yes, I am.

20. He _____________ (arrive) in Tokyo by the end of the day.
