1. ________ you go already? You only arrived an hour ago!

2. When he was young, he ________ swim very well. He won medals and championships!

3. The company ________ go bankrupt if they don't find a lot of money quickly!

4. You look very confused by the homework, Clive. ________ I help you?

5. I left my purse at home. Lily, ________ you lend me ten dollars?

6. It's wet and windy outside today. You ________ go out without an umbrella.

7. I think that sign means we ________ enter the building. Look, there's a security guard too.

8. Lindsay watched the movie in French and ________ understand very much of it.

9. Listen to that music! Our neighbors ............. play music that loud at this hour.

10. If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you .............go to the dentist's.
