เติม preposition ให้ได้ phrasal verb ที่มีความหมาย

  1. He is always getting me though I have done nothing wrong. (at / with / to / on) = บ่นให้
  2. They spent the whole night cooking a plan that they thought could work. (off/ away / out / up) = วางแผน
  3. I passed Molly's house but I did not go in because I was in a hurry. (up / along / by / off) = ผ่านไป
  4. Tina's new car broke unexpectedly on the expressway. (up / down / off / by) = พังลง
  5. After the seventh attempt, they finally decided to give . (up / away / off / back) = เลิก
  6. His father dropped me when we reached Manchester Station. (up / out / off / away) = ไปส่ง
  7. The plane took at half-past eight. (up / off/ away / on) = เครื่องบินขึ้น
  8. Look ! There's a bicycle speeding towards us. (up / in / down / out) = ระวัง
  9. I cannot make what he wrote. His handwriting is illegible. (off / up / out / in) = อ่านไม่ออก
  10. Do you know what UNICEF stands ? (for/ by / out / up) = แทนคำว่า