Present Simple = ปัจจุบัน ประจำ จริง --> S + V1(s,es)     =>always, usually, every, sometimes, never,....

Present Continuous = ปัจจุบันกำลังทำอยู่ --> S + is/am/are + Ving    => now, at the moment, right now,....

Past Simple = อดีต/ จบไปแล้ว  --> S + V2    => yesterday, last......, ......ago

We  some wine now. (drink)
It  to rain heavily just a few minutes ago. (begin)
Who  the pot? (break)
They  a big house last year. (build)
My sister  the housework every weekend. (do)
My parents  home early this afternoon. (come)
The waiter  the drinks at the moment. (bring)
The boy  a family now. (draw)
They  new clothes at the mall this morning. (buy)
too young then. (be)

