1. Josepth and Joel are friends. _______always play together.
2. ______like to take a nap in the afternoon.
3. This is my sister's car. ______is new.
4. I met the Tan family yesterday. _____were going to the art gallery.
5. Is_____going to the post office today?
6. _____are playing a board game in the living room.
7. This is my parrot. _____is very talkative.
8. _______am going to take a shower now.
9. John gave each of______a sweet.
10. Jane failed her spelling test. Her mother was very upset with______.
11. The pipe is leaking. The plumber is repairing_______.
12. Our grandmother is going t a cold country this December. Let's bring a sweater for_______.
13. Mother reminded______to bring along my mobile phone.
14. Can you please help______with his homework?
15. My mother bought me this toy. It belongs to_________.
16. Our grandparents live in China. We visit_______every year.