1. This pen belongs to my brother. It is__________.

2. My aunt owns this bicycle. It is_________.

3. My mother bought this book for me. It is________.

4. This apple is________. I brought it for you.

5. I share this room with my brother. It is___________.

6. This dog belongs to my neighbours. It is___________.

7. I won that toy in a contest. It is_________.

8. My sister bought this file. It is_________.

9. _______is the design you like more?

10. _______is the meaning of this word?

11. _____is that man in white?

12. _______is this bag?

13. _______rang the doorbell?

14. ________of the cakes did you eat?

15. _______do you prefer, the pink or yellow shirt?

16. _______did she play on the piano just now?
