Correct the relative pronouns where necessary. ถ้าคำที่ขีดเส้นใต้ถูกแล้วให้เติม "T" ในช่องว่าง แต่ถ้ามันผิดแก้ให้ถูกด้วยค่ะ

1. The artist whom exhibition we saw last week is a concert pianist also.

2. The gold that you saw was mined from the sea.

3. It was your school counsellor whom called you.

4. The devastation which the tornado had brought about was unbelievable.

5. Some scientists believe that the Americans were populated by groups of Siberian hunters which crossed the Bering strait.

6. The professor which you spoke to yesterday is not here today.

7. The condors whom live in California are becoming extinct.

8. The student whose paper you have red is sitting there.
