1. I checked the answers. Two of ______ were wrong.

2. The postman gave me two letters, so I gave ______ to my mother.

3. The army lost the battle because ______ was not strong.

4. My parents are coming. I’ll open the door for ______ .

5. Is this radio ______ ?

6. Give that ball to Tom and me. It ______ .

7. We washed ______ and then had our dinner.

8. You must learn to defend ______ , Tom.

9. I cut ______ on that piece of wire.

10. I saw the girls, so I spoke to ______ .

11. You can have these books. ______ are too hard for me.

12. The rope was not very strong, so we did not use ______ .

13. The policeman spoke to my sister and me. He told ______ about the bridge.

14. The bananas were not ripe, so we did not buy ______ .

15.  Please open the window. I can’t reach ______ .

16. My father listened to the news. He was very pleased with ______.

17. My friend cut ______ when she was cooking.

18. Help ______ to some more coffee.

19. I taught ______ to play the guitar. I’ve never had lessons.

20. The cow hurt ______ when it tried to get through the fence.

21. That machine is automatic. It runs by ______ .

22. My father is sick. I’m worried about ______ .

23. I saw Ann at the party but I didn’t talk to ______ .

24. The kitchen looks beautiful. Have you cleaned ______, Mary?

25. Sam and Bob went swimming with ______ sister, Lisa.
