which - whose - who - when - where

  1. Dallas is the city  Kennedy was shot.
  2. Bill Clinton was the president  wife was called Hillary.
  3. Sunday is the day  most countries respect a day of rest in the week.
  4. Rotterdam is the port  is the busiest in Europe.
  5. Prayut Chan-o-cha is the person  is the Thai leader.
  6. Harry Potter is the fictional character  fought you-know-who.
  7. Smog is the thing  is a combination of fog and smoke, or pollution.
  8. Rum is the strong drink  is associated with the Caribbean.
  9. The Euro is the currency  is used in most of Europe.
  10. Future Forward Party is the party  ex-leader is called Thanathorn.
  11. A fortune teller is a person  tells your future.
  12. Hiroshima is the place  the first atomic bomb was dropped.
  13. 2019 is the year  the COVID-19 started.
  14. Your mother-in-law is the person  son or daughter is married to you.
  15. A stapler is a thing  you use to attach papers together.