1. Do you know anyone ..... could help me fix my computer?

2. A hammer is a tool ..... is used to knock nails into wood.

3. The shop ..... we usually buy our bread has closed down.

4. The boy ..... dog was hit by a car has not been to school for 3 days.

5. My friend, ..... doesn't have a cell phone, suddenly knocked on the door last night.

6. Can you please return the calculator ..... you borrowed yesterday?

7. The horse ..... was hit by the car was only slightly hurt.

8. An orphanage is a place ..... children who have no parents can live and be looked after.

9. I didn't realize I had forgotten my passport until I reached the airport, ..... was very annoying.

10. The students ..... test grades were low had to come back after school for an extra lesson.

11. The hotel, ..... is in the centre of the town, is to be knocked down and replaced by a bank.

12. The person to ..... you sent the letter has moved to a new address?
