คำทั้งสองคำที่อยู่ในวงเล็บเป็นคำที่มีความหมายคล้ายกัน สามารถใช้แทนกันได้ในหลายๆบริบท คำนึงจะเป็นนามนับได้และอีกหนึ่งคำนับไม่ได้


  • เติม so much + นามนับไม่ได้
  • เติม so many + นามนับได้

ตัวอย่าง They have..............................that everyone envies them. (possession, money)

possession --> countable

money --> uncountable

answer. -->  so many possessions  /  so much money 

1. I received....................that I couldn't decide what to do. (suggestion, advice)

countable -->

uncountable -->

2. I had to learn ..................... that I got a splitting headache. (information, fact)

countable -->

uncountable -->

3. The professor wants to do..................that she needs a new laboratory. (experiment, research)

countable -->

uncountable -->

4. We had to do...............that we didn't finish till midnight. (homework, exercise)

countable -->

uncountable -->

5. I had to carry...............that my arms were aching. (luggage, bag)

countable -->

uncountable -->

6. We've heard .................that we know everything about it now. (report, news)

countable -->

uncountable -->

7. This encyclopedia contains..................that you don't need any other books. (information, article)

countable -->

uncountable -->
