1. Several ______ were injured in the accident

2. I left a few pieces of ______ in my aunt's house after the holidays.

3. The ______ served at the hospital was so terrible that the patient refused it

4. I carried a small bag on board the plane as the rest of the ______ was checked in before the flight

5. When a stone hit the hive, a ______ of bees flew out

6. A ______ of sheep grazed on the hillside

7. The pilot informed us that the ______ would take an hour.

8. He bought a bouquet of ______ for my mother

9. Pawena was late for work because her car had a ____.

10. Anuthin received some unpleasant ______ yesterday; his car had been stolen.

11. We did not see ______ friends at the funfair.

12. The students have to gather as ______ information as possible during the short period of time.

13. _____ members of the society voted against the motion to force the president to resign

14. ______ of the food was wasted because ______ guests did not turn up for the reception

15. There is only ______ space in this cupboard for the books.

16. There was not ______ damage caused by the floods this year.

17. There aren't ______ biscuits left. I just ate the last one!

18. ______ of the food has gone moldy, so we have to throw it all away.

19. The government has cleared ______ of the jungle for cultivation.

20. There isn't ______ work left to the done. You may go home now if you wish.
