Present --> ... wish(es) + subject + past simple

Past --> ... wish(es) + subject + past perfect

Future --> ... wish(es) + subject + would

1. I wish I (be) the manager of this company.
2. Peter wishes he (not buy) that car. It breaks down so often and causes him trouble.
3. Asley's mother wishes she (do) well in the final exams next week.
4. Larry wishes he (be) on a spa holiday relaxing rather than working in the office now.
5. Mary feels homesick. She wishes she (be) in her home with her parents now.
6. I wish you (bring) me a glass of water. I am very thirsty.
7. Karen wishes her father (not go) to Russia on business. She misses him.
8. It was very hot and sunny. I wish I (take) my sunglasses and sun lotion with me.
9. You look overweight. I wish you (attend) a gym this summer.
10. My father wishes he (not forget) to take the camera with him. The view was wonderful.
11. Joseph wishes he (not cheat)  in the exam. The teacher was very angry with him.
12. I wish I (not speak) so loudly. My baby brother woke up.
13. Michael wishes his father (give) him £100 for the school trip next month.
14. Mr. Parker wishes there (not be) mosquitoes around. They bite him badly.
15. I wish people   (not cut) the trees anymore.
