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Word formation - advanced 2
There is a car
company at almost every airport. (RENT)
My mother suffers from weak
. (EYE)
The doctor explained that
could ARISE during surgery. (COMPLICATE, RISE)
Hurricanes are
storms that can reach speeds of over 200 km an hour. (DESTROY)
It took a lot of
to get him to do the right thing. (PERSUADE)
Bats are
during the daytime and fly around at night. (ACT)
The minister was
by a more loyal member of the party. (PLACE)
Jake was
from whom he received the information. (HESITATE, CLOSE)
The teacher wasn't
during the examination. (OBJECT)
We raised a
amount of money for the project. (CONSIDER)
of rainfall increases the nearer you get to the mountains. (INTENSE)
Civilians suffered many
during the war. (HARD)
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